Factors to Consider in SLAP Lesions Part III: Thoracic Rotation

The importance of thoracic rotation cannot be overstated, as it serves as a fundamental component of many physical activities, including athletic performance and daily movement patterns. When thoracic rotation is compromised, it can lead to compensations and imbalances throughout the body, ultimately impacting musculoskeletal function and health.

In the context of shoulder health, a SLAP lesion represents a complex and multifaceted injury that requires a thorough understanding of the underlying mechanisms that contribute to its development and perpetuation. Recent research has highlighted the significant relationship between thoracic rotation and SLAP lesions, revealing that athletes with SLAP lesions exhibit significantly less thoracic rotation than those without the injury.

It is vital to recognize the significance of thoracic rotation in the management of SLAP lesions. One promising treatment approach involves the implementation of targeted manual therapy and exercise interventions that seek to improve thoracic rotation. Such interventions have been found to effectively mitigate symptoms of pain and functional impairment in patients with SLAP lesions, providing a viable avenue for successful treatment and rehabilitation.

Of particular importance in this regard are exercises that promote thoracic rotation, including the thoracic rotation stretch, foam rolling, bird dogs, and quadruped rotations. These exercises target the thoracic spine specifically and aim to enhance the rotational capacity of this crucial anatomical structure. However, it is essential to work with a qualified healthcare professional to ensure proper execution and safety.

If you'd like an assessment for your thoracic rotation, make an appointment with Arlington Chiropractic today!


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